About Us
About Fit to Fly
Fit to Fly was founded in the US six years ago in an attempt to make circus arts approachable and achievable for all. Our curriculum has something for everyone - the trained athlete looking for a new workout, the kiddo who just isn’t into team sports, the parent looking for an outlet. Circus is a great way to get out of your head and into your body - there’s no room for regular worries when you are learning new moves upside down!
Caitlyn Larsson
Caitlyn Larsson has been working in the circus world for over 10 years. With a background in competitive gymnastics and degrees in both performing arts and exercise science, circus was the perfect blend for all her obsessions. She has performed and taught internationally and has recently settled in Berri to embrace the family life and bring circus to the Riverland. She blends her theatrical background with her scientific knowledge of the human body to offer a circus curriculum that safely builds strong and creative artists from the ground up.
Fiona Cameron
Coach Fi drank the circus KoolAid at age 34 and joined Berri’s only aerial circus with her 3 kiddos. She's a qualified senior beauty therapist by day, aerial trainer/performer in her spare time and a full-time single mother of 3 all the time. And to make life a little more interesting, she likes to do cool tricks way up high in positions that 9 times out of 10 leave bruises on her body! She loves pizza, adult flower Lego and spending time with her kiddos.
Zack Plaquet
Tech and Music
Although Zack is new to circus, he brings years of experience as a teacher, DJ, and tinkering guru to the team. He helps with all IT, design, marketing, music, and any general muscle needs. He also has an endless supply of dad jokes.
Interested in working with us?
We are always looking for more circus converts!
We have a training options for people interested in becoming instructors.
Contact us on social media, or using the form below.
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